Sunday 10 July 2011

Oh dear james walsh has fallen for the “waste” doctrine that is so beloved by the advocates of the capitalist project. The wage slave has no other preoccupation than to do fuck all and get paid for it. Solitaire on the internet, feet up on the desk, a quick cat’s lick around the sink instead of the bleaching decontamination your supervisor has demanded, fiddling petty cash etc are all examples of the wage slaves waste perks. What happens to the savings when waste is eliminated? The saved money goes up to management and eventually to shareholders. Meanwhile the wasters are unemployed and you taxpayers end up supporting them instead of the capitalists. Bonuses for bosses and a burden for the tax paying poor. Waste is inevitable its just a question of who pays for it. What would youbrather see ; a 10p rise on a packet of cornflakes or x amount of people on the dole supposedly diverting state funding for the nhs. You work it out.
When the vatican commissioned Michelango to carve an effigy of David he placed the untouched piece of marble in a room with a chair facing the untouched stone. After a year of staring at the marble a representative of the vatican asked him what was he playing at and why was the marble untouched?Mich’s response was short and exquisite; please don’t disturb me when I’m working.

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