Monday 9 December 2019

Sunday 24 November 2019

But I maintain that there is such a thing as a Left-wing face – and a conservative one, and a Right-wing one, and a soft-liberal one – and that Ms Colman possesses the first. The latest stills of her in the role suggest she is acting the part with her usual outstanding skill, and is extremely well made-up.

I have considerable confidence she will succeed. But there remains something about the mouth which is not right. The Queen’s mouth expresses an acceptance – strong-minded yet gentle – of whatever life may throw at her. Ms Colman’s has that hint of complaint and hauteur which is such a feature of the educated Left.
So no-platforming can be fun. But I am also frightened by it. Slowly, it is winning. When these mini-censors begin to fan out into the law, the media, the Civil Service, the legal profession and schools, they will be a real threat. Unlike Howard Marks, they have never been taught to value their liberty. They genuinely think their own opinions are so virtuous that they are entitled to silence others. I have read the attacks on me that have been circulated in these seats of learning, and they are enough to make the blood run cold. They look like charge sheets in some revolutionary show trial – a trial which I increasingly fear I may one day face in reality. Someone has usually spent days looking for things that I have said in the past, and then twisted them to give a false impression to the ill-informed.

Thursday 21 November 2019

Monday 18 November 2019

Friday 15 November 2019

Monday Back
Seated cable row
Seated wide grip pull down
Cable rope rear delts

Tuesday Back + triceps
Close grip pull down
Wide grip pull down behind neck

Wednesday Chest
Dumbell bench press
Incline Chest Press Barbell
Upper cable flies

Thursday Chest + Triceps
Flat Bench Press
Incline Bench press barbell
Lower cable flies

Friday - Legs / Abs

Thursday 14 November 2019

Sunday 20 October 2019

How typical this is, too. Whenever normal people are the victims of anything, somehow it is impossible for the police or the authorities to do anything about it.

Anti-social behaviour in your street? So sorry. We'll drive by for two minutes and then never come back, and that's if you're lucky.

Your neighbour smokes illegal drugs in his back garden and perfumes the air with marijuana? Not interested. Burgled? Fill in a form. Protesters stopping you from earning a living? Sorry, but we're too busy. But a convoy of politicians through the streets comes with an arrogant and bullying escort, all motorbikes, whistles and 'Stay Back!', as if it were Vladimir Putin going by in his special Kremlin lane. And an offended transgender person on Twitter can summon teams of cybercops to descend ferociously on a critic, while a man who calls on the IRA to murder the Cabinet gets a gentle, kindly letter, promising he is not in trouble.

Thursday 10 October 2019

Don't you know what the police are for, Stevie? They are there so that them as have nothing shouldn't take anything away from them who have.

Shropshire Lad XL

A. E. Housman - 1859-1936

Into my heart on air that kills From yon far country blows: What are those blue remembered hills, What spires, what farms are those? That is the land of lost content, I see it shining plain, The happy highways where I went And cannot come again.

Sunday 29 September 2019

Because there 'intelligence' is of the kind that hasn't been earned through hard work, trial and error or general risk. It was parroted to them from their social/media/geñder/africàn studies lecturer where their only test of intelligence was whether they could read it and correctly parrot it back without deviation. All they had to do to get their first was provide a written confirmation bias to their lefty lecturer that they read and understood his/her version of events. These people have simply been tricked into believing they are intelligent... and how easy it was.

Sunday 22 September 2019

He warned, with astonishing brutality, that such a belief is ‘no different from the claim of communism, fascism, monarchism, Catholicism, Islamism and all the other great isms that have historically claimed a monopoly of legitimate political discourse on the ground that its advocates considered themselves to be obviously right’. Crikey.

The readiness of the courts to hear legal actions against the Prime Minister’s suspension of Parliament is a whole new outrage. Personally, I think Al Johnson’s action was a shabby trick (though it failed to work).

But the idea that the courts should have anything to say about proroguing Parliament is absurd.

There is no law, no precedent. Within our constitution, Prime Ministers can do this sort of thing and often it will be right and necessary.

You might as well get the Supreme Court to rule on whether the red wines of Burgundy are better than those of Bordeaux. The judges could have a lot of fun examining the matter. But their opinion, at the end, would be worth nothing.

Saturday 21 September 2019

In some ways, the extremism of the new transgender ideology also risks becoming homophobic. Instead of seeing effeminate men as one kind of masculinity, as legitimate as any other, transgenderism insists that girliness requires being a biological girl. Similarly, a tomboy is not allowed to expand the bandwidth of what being female can mean, but must be put into the category of male. In my view, this is not progressive; it’s deeply regressive. There’s a reason why Iran is a world leader in sex-reassignment surgery, and why the mullahs pay for it. Homosexuality in Iran is so anathema that gay boys must be turned into girls, and lesbian girls into boys, to conform to heterosexual norms. Sound a little too familiar?