Sunday, 31 July 2011

Immigration is a serious issue.

Historically from 1950-90 immigration occurred at a reasonable pace and the Asians and Caribbeans who entered Britain by and large have made a very valuable contribution to British society.

What has occurred in the last decade has not been valuable, it has occurred too quickly, and too many immigrants have been allowed to dismiss British culture and to fail to 'join in'.

There is a world outside London which many in the media and Westminster seem incapable of recognising - it is a world where primary schools are completely full and what is more full of children who hardly speak English - this negative impact must be absorbed by British families and is hard.

Similarly with housing, welfare and medicine British people feel they are being short-changed.

Those in the Metropolis are completely out of touch, and the Gordon Brown / Gillian Duffy encounter was but one piece of evidence.

Immigration must be rigorously controlled, and we can start by ignoring the concept of a 'right to family life' and deport all foreign criminals - but that's another story.

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Although it is a tad shocking that the papers can easily buy this info. Is it not a LOT MORE shocking that it is nearly all obtained from state data bases?

How is it possible for Police records, Health records, driving records, etc to be so easily obtained? Has any politician fallen on his sword because of this?

Friday, 29 July 2011

July 28, 2011 at 8:24 pm
it seems you only need to have one emmanual goldstein at a time in order to ignore the stonking great elephant in the room that is the fact that every ‘group’ of people whether it be black ,white , asian , gay , hetero , sunni , shia ,jewish ,protestant ,catholic , hutu or tutsi is at the prejudice and bigotry game and given half the chance would mete out the kind of treatment that has been or percieved to have been given.

you only need one bette noir to galvanise the ‘radical left’ and give it the feeling it has the glamour of an international brigade.

you only need one political pariah for the ‘lefty macho streetfighters’ who don’t like ‘kickaball’ to have a good old tear up with the knuckle draggers of the edl.

while all the time the world spins , various groups jockey for advantage , horrendous things happen to people.

unless all groups with nefarious agendas are taken on the whole thing is just protest for the affluent . a one trick pony that’ll change nothing.

Thursday, 28 July 2011

Davies then went to a friend’s house where he drank tea and bragged about what he had done. That evening, he created an alibi by posting messages on social networking site Facebook claiming he was "chilling out with friends" while watching Strictly Come Dancing.

That's your idea of an alibi?
her BBC in all this.
Teletubbies is my exhibit 1.
Follow up with Ross/Brand and the Ant/Decs of the world.
Slap on the anti-family/anti white/anti male agenda that runs through their output...and it`s no surprise that people are no longer getting anything from the media to encourage discussion or debate as seen from reality out here!
Look at the BBCs stories and childrens telly...and note that the fish rots from the head down.
Obviously the BBC are`nt welcome on estates unlesss they`re dealing or bribing-but for Monty and some Childrens Communications Champion to talk over our heads with meaningless titles like these...and you can see the problem is a long time gone!
The BBC no longer communicates but lectures-and only Brown or Blair are the dual options that we have!
Trouble results and is resulting from this...

Tuesday, 26 July 2011

"Why should I, a TV licence payer have to trawl the internet to find out what is REALLY happening out there?
As a general rule of thumb, everything the BBC says is happening, isn't; And everything they say is good, is bad.
I can be lied at from anyone for nothing. Why should I pay to have my intelligence insulted, and political views I don't agree with rammed down my throat.
The sooner this fifth column organisation has to fend for itself and is subjected to market forces, the better for freedom of speech and democracy".
Although many have their own thoughts on immigration from ANY country that tries to change the culture of that country.Just how did that happen to a quiet living Christian country like Norway and I think any who take this as just happening because of an odd ball alone is well out of touch.An absolute fruitcake that is certain .Anyone in posession of such numerous uniforms has got to be an easy person to use and able to twist their mind further not any different from any young child strapped with a bomb.If the EU was any use instead of worrying about straight bananas it would be sorting out where all these explosives, guns and hate are coming from.Religion is about God it should be quiet and about doing good to others if and when you can. If you want to shout about it on a stage fine people can listen /even change their beliefs or ignore but all extremes of religion that go out of their way to be destructive in society should be banned whoever they are.Tremendously sad for the Norwegian people

Wednesday, 20 July 2011

The people who advocated a boycott of the NOTW in the mainhave never read it or the Sun. The people no more wanted the NOTW closed down than they wanted to be sneeringly patronised as tabloid readers. The closure of the NOTW is not a victory for people. Wehn Cadbury's was closed by an American firm there was upraor. When an American unilaterally closes the NOTW it is people power. People no more wanted Murdoch to tell them who to vote for than they did for him to close their favroutie paper.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

h, fuck, my brain is starting to melt with the moribund trotting out of longwinded answers…Stephenson explaining that in order to be a good leader, he had to lead by resigning, smug Yates telling us that he made a ‘crap decision’…because he made a’ crap decision’ (ooh, with the benefit of hindsight…), that he couldn’t investigate any further, because NewsCorp, wasn’t cooperative (must remember this next time I get nicked), and above all, Fucking ‘frail old and quivering’ Murdoch pulling his ‘Reagan Defence’, except to say some old bollox about Gallipoli, and bare his outrage over 9/11…and flame haird Bekka, bless her, as tireless champion of lynching paedos…

All plausible denial,. aided and abetted by a bunch of cunts, all of whom seem to have the fingers of various news editors up their arses…

The Pie throwing was the high point, seeing a glimmer of fear on Little Jamie’s face…

Sunday, 17 July 2011

Thursday, 14 July 2011

Not ever again should religion hold any special privileges or can those munching around Stone Age superstition beliefs be allowed to meddle in politics.


This from Wikipedia regarding Stone Age beliefs:

The archaeologist Marija Gimbutas put forward a notion of a "woman-centered" society surrounding goddess worship throughout Pre History (Paleolithic and Neolithic Europe) and ancient civilizations, by using the term matristic "exhibiting influence or domination by the mother figure".

So, for clarity are you saying women should be kept out of politics?

Sunday, 10 July 2011

Oh dear james walsh has fallen for the “waste” doctrine that is so beloved by the advocates of the capitalist project. The wage slave has no other preoccupation than to do fuck all and get paid for it. Solitaire on the internet, feet up on the desk, a quick cat’s lick around the sink instead of the bleaching decontamination your supervisor has demanded, fiddling petty cash etc are all examples of the wage slaves waste perks. What happens to the savings when waste is eliminated? The saved money goes up to management and eventually to shareholders. Meanwhile the wasters are unemployed and you taxpayers end up supporting them instead of the capitalists. Bonuses for bosses and a burden for the tax paying poor. Waste is inevitable its just a question of who pays for it. What would youbrather see ; a 10p rise on a packet of cornflakes or x amount of people on the dole supposedly diverting state funding for the nhs. You work it out.
When the vatican commissioned Michelango to carve an effigy of David he placed the untouched piece of marble in a room with a chair facing the untouched stone. After a year of staring at the marble a representative of the vatican asked him what was he playing at and why was the marble untouched?Mich’s response was short and exquisite; please don’t disturb me when I’m working.

Friday, 8 July 2011

How is your measure of successful protest that staff got a bit of extra training? after black bloc smashed everything up and outwitted police theresa may was having fucking period pains over it both sides of the commons were scrambling over eachother to condemn the voilence the day after. good. and fuck che guevara and any topshop attempt at recuperating the student movement into their fucking shit fashion line.

Tuesday, 5 July 2011

You come home from work kinda beat, and your girlfriend says, "What should we do tonight?" Your response:
1. You don't say anything, just crack open the good prosecco, turn on some Iron & Wine, and commence the world's greatest foot massage. (+8 points)

2. "Three words: Fried Green Tomatoes!" (+20 points)

3. "I got MMA on pay-per-view and some German porn. The fuck you gonna do?" (-10 points)

4. "Huh? You say something?" (-14 points)
This kind of goofiness makes me long for the predictability of chugging a bottle of wine across from someone you're terrified of while wishing you'd had the sense to see the movie first so you'd at least have some kind of Gyllenhaal-based talking point.

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