The state is always full of piss and wind after a day like Saturday, ‘vote for us, legislation, blah blah’. The power of imagination always outwits authority, up until it removes it’s mask to reveal the tyranny beneath…Where were the water cannon? Where were the ‘new tactics’? Where was the ‘coming down hard on troublemakers’ bollox? They are shitting themselves because the economy is in ruins, no-one trusts Labour, and no-one will have any faith in the unions soon enough… The state is on the back foot politically and economically, they have no Plan ‘B’ for any contingency.
The longer and harder they shit on us, the deeper they dig their own graves, and they know it, and they know that we know it too…But the poor posh things are programmed to be utter bastards, and just can’t help themselves…
Dollar hyperinflation, Euro collapse, Japan=History.
I say stink bomb the Royal Wedding, have a glorious piss up, and then get ready for Mayday and a loooong HOT summer
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