If peaceful protest gets you lied to and arrested en masse you may as well just trash the place and be away sharpish. The polite tea-sipping uKuncut lot got a night in a jail cell and a court date while the bloke who smashed the window at Lloyds tsb got home in time for family guy.
Also all the rabble rousing in the house of commons just shows how direct action is really more effective than standing around in Hyde park. As vince cable says why should any government change their fundamental policies as a result of a protest of that kind?
Monday, 28 March 2011

The state is always full of piss and wind after a day like Saturday, ‘vote for us, legislation, blah blah’. The power of imagination always outwits authority, up until it removes it’s mask to reveal the tyranny beneath…Where were the water cannon? Where were the ‘new tactics’? Where was the ‘coming down hard on troublemakers’ bollox? They are shitting themselves because the economy is in ruins, no-one trusts Labour, and no-one will have any faith in the unions soon enough… The state is on the back foot politically and economically, they have no Plan ‘B’ for any contingency.
The longer and harder they shit on us, the deeper they dig their own graves, and they know it, and they know that we know it too…But the poor posh things are programmed to be utter bastards, and just can’t help themselves…
Dollar hyperinflation, Euro collapse, Japan=History.
I say stink bomb the Royal Wedding, have a glorious piss up, and then get ready for Mayday and a loooong HOT summer

Poor Theresa, it’s so unfair. People have been robbed blind by the political class, sold down the river by the TUC, manipulated, poisoned and ripped off by the corporate sector, had their children wiped out in pointless wars based on systematic lies, watched bankers getting rich on their stolen cash, and now they’re getting out of hand. Why can’t people just shut up and die quietly when they’ve been fucked over? Surely the law needs updating
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
Edward Miliband failed the first major test of his leadership of the Labour Party. Having become leader by being prepared to condemn the Iraq War, he made himself David Cameron's lifelong slave by failing to oppose the Libya adventure. Why do I say this? Because his acquiescence was evidence that he is afraid of the Prime Minister, and no Leader of the Opposition can do his job if this is so. Once he has acted out of fear once, Mr Cameron knows he has him where he wants him, for good. He and his party were afraid of being jeered at for their attempts to normalise relations with Colonel Gaddafi in 2004. I am sure the Tories would have made the same attempts themselves had they been in office then. Michael Howard did oppose the Blair-Gaddafi meeting on 2004. But I can't see what principle he was applying.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
These are the ghastly clots who are determined to interfere in Libya on the side of people who are unknown to us, and quite possibly dreadful. They are the same fanatics who have created a police-state mentality to ban showing the traditional English way of life on TV. Nauseatingly, they have hijacked the poppy to claim that servicemen died to give us the "freedom" to impose the state mantra of "Equality and Diversity"; and renaming Wootton Bassett is another deceitful gimmick in that genre. They got it into their heads that nuclear power was bad (mainly via Soviet propaganda) and have been spouting nonsense about windmills ever since.
Saturday, 19 March 2011
The unassailable fact is that the rebels themselves wanted the No-Fly Zone, Whereas the pointy headed profs here like Callinicos and ‘mature student’ Ress wanted them to die. The Left is more intrested adopting ‘positions’ which they can subsequently beat others over the heads with than saving thousands from a Gaddafi massacre.
And as far as blowing away unarmed protesters, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Yemen are obviously just as good at that as Gaddafi. In fact they do him one better – to my knowledge the unarmed protesters killed by Gaddafi’s troops and mercenaries in Tripoli and elsewhere were at least awake when they were murdered. Bahrain pops em in the head while they sleep Chicago-pigs-to-Fred-Hampton style and still get a royal wedding invite.
And as far as blowing away unarmed protesters, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia and Yemen are obviously just as good at that as Gaddafi. In fact they do him one better – to my knowledge the unarmed protesters killed by Gaddafi’s troops and mercenaries in Tripoli and elsewhere were at least awake when they were murdered. Bahrain pops em in the head while they sleep Chicago-pigs-to-Fred-Hampton style and still get a royal wedding invite.
Friday, 18 March 2011
'Those who disagree should remember a lesson from the history of anti-smoking. Doll's post-war study was not the first to prove that smoking caused lung cancer: Nazi scientists had reached the same conclusion 20 years earlier. The resulting evidence was ignored in this country because it came from a tainted source. It was assumed that good science could not come from an evil regime. In the modern-day debate over secondary smoking, campaigners who pretend there is proof that it kills are repeating that historic error in reverse. Excellent motives are producing grotesquely distorted science'
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Jamie's Dream School, a youth club with david starkey instead of a pool table.
And don't forget, too, that this is basically just unwitting (I hope) Tory propaganda: set up your own school with zero expertise, exercise crushingly ignorant "parent-power," don't take the time to consult any real school teachers (ugly depressing lot anyway), represent education as some sort of empowering celeb-motivation system (rather than something quite unglamorously hard), and pack it all with out-of-date imagery involving chalk and inkwells and desks with lids. Meanwhile, pay to send your own kids somewhere else, of course.
The worst thing about this latest installment of Jamie-bollocks is that you just know it comes about because he's going through the classically deluded celeb cycle of having to moralise about and transform whatever utterly generic stage of life he's currently going through. (Like that thing where they have a kid and then immediately publish a crap children's book.) That was all very nice when Jamie had learned how to cook so wanted to show everyone else how to, but now - Jesus. I'm trying to imagine future projects: Jamie's Midlife Crisis, Jamie's Dream Care Home, Jamie's How to Grieve, etc. etc
And don't forget, too, that this is basically just unwitting (I hope) Tory propaganda: set up your own school with zero expertise, exercise crushingly ignorant "parent-power," don't take the time to consult any real school teachers (ugly depressing lot anyway), represent education as some sort of empowering celeb-motivation system (rather than something quite unglamorously hard), and pack it all with out-of-date imagery involving chalk and inkwells and desks with lids. Meanwhile, pay to send your own kids somewhere else, of course.
The worst thing about this latest installment of Jamie-bollocks is that you just know it comes about because he's going through the classically deluded celeb cycle of having to moralise about and transform whatever utterly generic stage of life he's currently going through. (Like that thing where they have a kid and then immediately publish a crap children's book.) That was all very nice when Jamie had learned how to cook so wanted to show everyone else how to, but now - Jesus. I'm trying to imagine future projects: Jamie's Midlife Crisis, Jamie's Dream Care Home, Jamie's How to Grieve, etc. etc
Thursday, 10 March 2011
It is quite possible, and most desirous, to teach about religions without any of them being taught as ’truth’. 2+2=4... that is truth. Humans evolved from lower life forms… that is truth. The speed of light is 300 million kilometres per second… that is truth.
Christ restored life to Lazarus… that is an unsubstantiated myth.
Christ restored life to Lazarus… that is an unsubstantiated myth.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
The way I phrase it in my book, available at fine bookstores everywhere, is that I propose a pact with the faith, the faithful, I'll take it again, quoting from the great Thomas Jefferson, I don't mind if my neighbour believes in 15 gods or in none, he neither by that breaks my leg or picks my pocket. I would echo that, and say that as long as you don't want your religion taught to my children in school, given a government subsidy, imposed on me by violence, any of these things, you are fine by me.
I would prefer not even to know what it is that you do in that church of yours, in fact, if you force it on my attention, I will consider it a breach of that pact. Have your own bloody Christmas, and so on. Do your slaughtering, if possible, in an abattoir. And don't mutilate the genitals of your children! Because then I'm afraid it gets within the ambit of law.
I would prefer not even to know what it is that you do in that church of yours, in fact, if you force it on my attention, I will consider it a breach of that pact. Have your own bloody Christmas, and so on. Do your slaughtering, if possible, in an abattoir. And don't mutilate the genitals of your children! Because then I'm afraid it gets within the ambit of law.
Saturday, 5 March 2011
Friday, 4 March 2011
Except that the rage against them didn’t come from the Labour ‘right’, a political force which ceased to exist about 25 years ago when the SDP defected and mandatory reselection was introduced. (There is now one actual ‘right-wing’ Labour MP, John Spellar, who ought by rights to be in a museum). It came from the practical power-seeking Labour left establishment which seized control of the party after the defeat of the Trotskyists and Bennites by the Eurocommunist left (ludicrously characterised by Fleet Street as ‘the right’) in the early 1980s. As a conservative, I have little passion to spare on Mr Galloway or Mr Crow, whom I know to be politically negligible forces. The Labour elite fear and loathe them because they might remind poorly-informed people of what sort of movement Labour actually is, in ways they can easily understand. Most conservatives rather like Tony Benn. Most Labour establishment figures despise him with a furious resentful passion, blaming him for extending their years out of office. So not disingenuous at all, just based on a clearer and better informed understanding of politics and the Labour Party than Mr Finn (or I suspect many BBC persons) possesses.
Tuesday, 1 March 2011
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