Thursday 12 August 2010

Interesting, for the life of me I can't remember seeing the coalition option on the ballot paper and I've yet to meet anyone who desired a coalition government, but let that pass. Already several key conservative policies, which might have made this government more palatable, have been dropped and I don't doubt that quite a few more will be tossed in the rubbish bin in order to cling to power for a little longer. The government has just announced that it will allow European police forces to come over here and arrest anybody they feel like to rousing cheers from the Labour party, where did that come from? A group of young men, on the flimsiest of evidence, have been extradited to Greece to spend eighteen months, or longer, in prison before their case even comes to trial, if that's the best this government can do to protect its citizens, give me a pump-action shotgun and I'll look after myself.
"I'm certainly impressed so far with the reality they appear to be facing up to regarding the deficit and the economy in general.".
Ah yes the famous cuts which I predict will soon be watered down to nothing after mass protests from the Liberals. You can be sure of one thing though, those who financed Gordon Brown's largesse but did not benefit from it, will be the ones forced to pay to put it right.
As for local councils, it seems they do not have enough money to repair potholes and do other essential maintenance work which is really their only function no, the ever-rising council tax will go to fund ludicrous left-wing schemes which only benefit those who don't pay council tax and finance the inflation-proof pension schemes of council employees.
The country is awash with immigrants with no sign of a reversal, an ever-increasing number claiming benefits and a load of parasites working in the public sector. At the other end of the scale are those who have to pay for it all who are becoming evermore disatisfied. This is nothing like the SWP who wanted to bring chaos so that they could install a Marxist government, this is those who finance grandiose schemes that they don't want and subsidise layabouts that they couldn't care less about and, I sincerely hope, we are approaching the limit of their tolerance.
It really doesn't matter who you put upon the list 'cos they'd none of them be missed.

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