Wednesday, 19 May 2021

 The world record for the deadlift in the 148-pound weight class is just over 700 pounds, whereas the world record for the 308-pound weight class is 939 pounds. Doubling the weight class does not double how much a man can deadlift; it only increases the amount by about 30 percent. That is a dangerous tradeoff because large muscles require more oxygen to function, and if you are working so hard that you cannot replace that oxygen fast enough, you will go into oxygen debt.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

 "If anyone tells you that there's no such thing as truth, they're asking you not to believe them, so don't"

Wednesday, 12 May 2021


Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof

Sunday, 2 May 2021

 Optimists look at adversity as temporary, external and not entirely their fault. 

Pessimists view adversity as unchangeable, pervasive and personal. 


Negative bias - when you're negative your brain goes in to  fight-or-flight mode, thinking that there could be an emergency, and that slows everything down, from creativity to your immune system."

Saturday, 1 May 2021

 The flip-side of that is when you’re an enabler, you also tend to attract people who want enabling. They obstruct your boundaries, lean on you, and ask you for help in an almost parasitic way


Tough love is loving, but enabling is not.


Tough Love: