Friday 25 November 2016

I would like Nonracist to expound further on his world view. His/her opinion is an established viewpoint that despite my best efforts I really do not understand. I am English ( a Londoner) and I identify myself as such. But that identity is not based on the geographical location of my birthplace (Hyde Park Corner) but on the cultural, philosophical and political influences I experienced during my formative years. These influences were, I believe, distinctive to me and hundrend of thousands of other children growing up around me. This makes my sense of identity (English) significantly different from that of my neighbour, who spent his early years some 8,000 miles away before he arrived in this country.
It seems to me that your view makes an assumption that my sense of identity causes me to believe I am somehow superior to my neighbour. I can assure you it does not, but I do believe is is significantly different. No doubt my neighbour may well take the view that because of his migration he has a wide experience of cultures to inform his opinions and I can appreciate this view.
You say we should ‘ …….forget borders, forget nations’ and that ‘……hate and racism is a divide and rule policy’ which is a conspiricy by ‘……the powers that be (Bankers)’. My friend let me enlighten you, that couldn’t be further than the truth! Big buisness does not want to “divide and rule” across nations or races, they want exactly the oppocite. They want the sort of world you desire. A world without borders and nation states, a world without people who have a cultural identity ,a sense of patriotism and thefore unique consumption preferences. They want what you want , they want us all to be the same,so similar we forget our national preferences, so we all become the same.
Then they can sell us the same things all over the world. Coke, Starbucks, Apple, McDonalds, Microsoft, etc etc. So I suggest it is you that should ” please wake up”!

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