Saturday, 27 February 2021

 Terrorism is rare, far rarer than many people think. It’s rare because very few people want to commit acts of terrorism, and executing a terrorist plot is much harder than television makes it appear. The best defences against terrorism are largely invisible: investigation, intelligence, and emergency response. But even these are less effective at keeping us safe than our social and political policies, both at home and abroad. However, our elected leaders don’t think this way: they are far more likely to implement security theater against movie-plot threats.

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

 The antagonist in everyday life is the bully, chip-on-the-shoulder, bad attitude, disrespectful, assertive types that deserve to have their dads put a cigarette out on their chest.

You don't find those guys in prison - those guys do pretty good in life.

Usually find themselves in places of authority because they can force people to get jobs done - they get their kicks from belittling people. I don't see these people committing crimes past being physically abusive, so for the most part they aren't robbing banks etc and getting caught.

It's petty theives that get caught - goes to jail and finds it's mostly full of idiots like him.