The Qur’an is a compilation of a bunch of different verses and ideas. They are often contradictory and incoherent, never really lending themselves to a single “true” interpretation. For every question you have asked, there are about as many interpretations as there are readers. For the last 1400 years, Muslims have been debating what verses mean and how they should be applied. There is no one, consistent meaning that everyone can agree upon. Jihadis will tell you that the verse of the sword legitimizes their murder of non-believers. Other groups will explain away those verses to fit their own views.
This, in my opinion, points to a great degree of shortsightedness and lack of wisdom on behalf of the author. Could Allah not have known that revealing a verse such as “kill the unbelievers wherever you find them” would lead to all sorts of unnecessary bloodshed due to all the different possible interpretations?
One of the things I find most fascinating about the study of modern “secular” law is how detailed and specific the clauses and statutes are. I’m no expert, but go to a library and spend a day reading through books of criminal law. Look at how deliberately comprehensive and applicable it all is. Nothing in the Qur’an or ahadith can even come remotely close to comparing. Instead, the Qur’an is a jumbled collection of contradictory ramblings that scholars have picked through in order to create the hodgepodge, backwards mess we call shariah law.